Monday, March 14, 2016

Primed & Prepped Coming of Age

Up and Away to College

We are excited about our fisrt student that's gone away for College.
We do keep in touch letting him know he's P&P for life!
 Chef and I  had such a fun time gathering goodies for this Care Package!
It's not an easy task figuring out what goes in the box
Grooming products are easier to select than the food items. We definitely wanted to stay on the healthy side
of things as much as we could

Celebrating Our History

The African American Holistic Wellness Program at the Bayview YMCA each year presents
Black History Forums every Tuesday in February showcasing a entertainment and dinner. This year P&P students were food servers focusing on customer services skills.
The students enjoyed serving the food making sure guest felt welcome and got plenty to eat!

The forums were lively, educational and entertaining and the food was delicious!

 P&P Students... Not Always In The Kitchen

A Dictionary?....yes we keep one close by when we are not at the computers.
Nothing like a little "old school" teaching!
The students are creating their Vision Boards that will depict what is
important to them and their hopes for the future
Some of my favorite times with the students ...when their quite!!!!!

Black History Uncovered

During Life Skills classes the students watched a movie called Rising From the Rails: The Story of the Pullman Porter.
They took notes while watching the movie and the discussion afterward was truly engaging. I was impressed by the movies  impact on enlightening them on how A Phillip Randolph started the black labor union plus more!

Phillip & Sala Burton High School Partnership

Chef Berlin is in the zone preparing a palate tasting class for the students at
Phillip & Sala Burton High School
There are five parts of taste: bitterness, saltiness, sourness, sweetness and savoriness
was a combination of sweet, bitter, sour

trigeminal sensations (hot spice or cool menthol, acidity, astringency)
The other part of this sensory analysis is aromatics, tactile sensation (body, mouth feel),
 trigeminal sensations (hot spice or cool menthol, acidity, astringency)
It was fascinating watching the facial expressions as they sampled each food item!

Primed & Prepped Program Sessions

 March 8 - May 12, 2016

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

4:00-6:30 pm


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